Basic Elo Calculations |
Elo probability |
Elo updates |
Post-update Elo values |
Running Elo Calculations |
Calculate running Elos for a series of matches. |
Calculate running Elos for a series of multi-team matches. |
Formula Specials |
Details on |
Create a "margin of victory" column |
Create a 1/0/0.5 win "indicator" |
Comparison Methods |
Compute a (usually logistic) regression model for a series of matches. |
Compute a (usually logistic) regression based on win percentage for a series of matches. |
Compute a Markov chain model for a series of matches. |
Compute a Colley matrix model for a matchup. |
Model Assessment |
Calculate AUC on an |
Calculate the mean square error |
Classify teams that are favored to win |
Rank teams |
Summarize an |
Extract model values |
Make Predictions on an |
Other helpful utilities |
Helper functions for |
Interpret formulas in |
The Elo Package |